Keane - Perfect Symmetry Tour 2009


Nooooooooo....Come Back Tom...!!!!!!Q_Q

Kept dancing through the whole concert =]
It's really great that almost the whole arena put their hands up for them, sang with them and danced with them!!!
although i'm too short and way too many ppl are too tall (LOL)
I still managed to get some great photos with my lovely new camera (heart)

Tom said they want to come back next year!!!!!!
and by then i would def. buy the front seat!!!! no matter how expensive it is (LOL)

Tom (heart)

3 comment:

kaka said...


crossing. said...

XD 不過基本上其實我們可以算是什麼也看不到...因為地下區基本上沒有台階~(只能從一堆背影和人頭之間的空隙偶然窺看到TOM的身影,毆飛)氣氛和音樂很讚v

crossing. said...

上面那張相是我把相機舉到最高+zoom in 12倍後的效果XDDD